3,153 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Terintegrasi Tugas Mind Mapping terhadap Motivasi dan hasil Belajar Biologi di SMA

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    Abstrak: Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Terintegrasi Tugas Mind Mapping terhadap Motivasi dan hasil Belajar Biologi di SMA Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran problem based learning terintegrasi tugas mind mapping terhadap motivasi belajar biologi di SMA, (2) pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran problem based learning terintegrasi tugas mind mapping terhadap hasil belajar biologi di SMA. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh rombongan belajar kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 3 Wajo. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara simple random sampling diperoleh 58 peserta didik. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan angket, tes hasil belajar dan angket motivasi belajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (i) terdapat pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran problem based learning terintegrasi tugas mind mapping terhadap motivasi belajar biologi, (ii) terdapat pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran problem based learning terintegrasi tugas mind mapping terhadap hasil belajar biologi. Kata Kunci: problem based learning, mind mapping, motivasi belajar, hasil belajar biologi


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    The purpose of this research is to know whether there is any correlation between students’anxiety and speaking skill at STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta, first semester  academic year 2018/2019.This research used quantitative method and the design was correlational research. The sample of this research consists of 25 students. The data of the students’anxiety were collected by using the questionaire which was adopted from foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale Horwitz et.at FLCAS, while the data of students’speaking skill were collected by using speaking test. In this research, researcher has two variables, independent variable which variable students’anxiety and dependent variable consists of students’ speaking skill.The researcher use SPSS program, before doing the analysis the data normality was tested by using Kolmogorf-Smirnov test to see if the population was distributed normal. The result of this research concluded that there is significant correlation between variable (X) students’anxiety and variable (Y) speaking skill. Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.001 < 0.05. It means that students who have higher speaking skill, they was influenced by anxiety. The value of correlation coefficient is -0.629 <0.5. It means that there is negative correlation between students’anxiety and speaking skill. If the students’anxiety is high so speaking skill is low and if the students’anxiety is low so speaking skill is high


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    Treatment measures in patients with gangrene wounds are used to protect the underlying tissue and further damage in order to accelerate tissue formation. By: using semipermeable dressing to prevent dryness and maintain good tissue, not attached, impermeable to bacteria, able to maintain high humidity at the site of injury while also releasing excessive exudate. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of treatment measures using wet dressing to accelerate the healing of Gangren Wounds in the Muliorejo Health Center. This type of research is Pre Experimental Design with One Shot Case Study design. The method of taking samples by means of Accidental Sampling and the results of research that has been done, the level of wound healing speed in Gangren Wound patients is to use a wet dressing with a value of 16-20 (fast) of 7 people while with a value of 1-15 (slow) of 3 person. From the results of a statistical test with a significant P <0.05 using computerized P values obtained: 0,000 which is smaller and 0.05 and it can be concluded that there is an influence of the wet dressing on the acceleration of healing of Gangren Wounds in the Muliorejo Public Health Center. Nursing care and continuing interventions using wet dressing as often as possible on gangrene wounds.Keywords: acceleration of healing, gangren wound, nursing care, intervention, wet wrap treatmen

    Review: Phytochemical Screening, Secondary Metabolites and Biological Activities of Southeast Sulawesi Plants

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    Southeast Sulawesi is one of the provinces in Indonesia which has a variety of medicinal plants that have been used by its people in treating diseases. The results of research on phytochemical screening and isolation of secondary metabolites from local researchers indicated that the plants from Southeast Sulawesi have the potential to be studied further. Plants from Southeast Sulawesi show pharmacological potential activities that can be developed for the purpose of treating diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, cancer, and as an antioxidants. There are Southeast Sulawesi endemic plants from the Etlingera genus that are interesting to explore (phytochemical screening, isolation of pure compounds and pharmacological studies) considering that of the 14 species of Etlingera plants scattered in Southeast Sulawesi, 2 (two) of which have recently been reported, namely E. elatior and E. calophry


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah  untuk menjelaskan  manajemen guru Pendidikan  Agama Islam dalam pembinaan akhlak melalui media  sosial di SD N 9 Kota Bengkulu di Era Globalisasi. Penelitian  ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualutatif, pengumpulan data dari teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, sedangkan  analisis data  menggunakan teknik reduksi data,  penyajian  data  dan  validasi data  triangulasi dan  kemudian  kesimpulan. Produksi untuk penelitian ini diperlukan  untuk mendukung manajemen guru terutama  guru Pendidikan  Agama Is- lam yang terlibat langsung dalam pembinaan akhlak siswa di sekolah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa guru Pendidikan  Agama Islam sudah  melakukan  pemantauan dan  pembinaan terhadap akhlak siswa, hal ini dilandasi dari tindakan  yang selama ini dilakukan oleh guru Pendidikan  Agama Islam yang sudah  berjalan melalui program sekolah  yang  telah  berjalan  secara  efektif. Hal ini ditandai  dengan  peran  kepala  sekolah  dan  guru  Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam penyelenggaraan program kerja sekolah


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    Students four grade semester English Education Department have difficult in writing. They have  limitation in English vocabulary building, students didn’t understand  systematically in writing. They usual use common words in writing English so that they weak in writing skill. Lecturer choose clustering technique to improve students’writing skill. The advantages this technique can mapp students’mind, an idea or theme with symbols and diagram after that they can improve become written or text. Furthermore all of the content in which they want to write based on the outline. This research aim to know improving students’writing skill  through clustering technique on students STKIP Kusuma Negara, Jakarta. It is qualitative research using classroom action research method. It was conducted two cycle. Each of cycle consist of four steps. There are planning, acting, observing and reflecting. This research was conducted with the subject twenty five students in fourth semester English Education STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta. Data were collected  through interview, observation and test. The result of this research is improving students’writing skill through Clustering Technique showed an increasing percentage and average score. Cycle I was  32 % students pass in writing skill or the average score is 73.28, in Cycle II was 88 % students pass in writing skill or the average score is 81.6. The students given positive responses, they were enthusiastic and motivated when they written in English by Clustering Technique. Based on the result, it  can be concluded Clustering Technique could improve the students’writing skill on STKIP Kusuma Negara

    The Effects of Government Education Spending on School Enrollment in Indonesia

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    Government expenditure for education increases every year for the implementation of education sector including to increase the number of enrollment rate. However, there are some children who do not enroll in school especially senior high school-aged children. This study examines the effects of government spending on education on school enrollment in Indonesia. This research uses cross-sectional data from the National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) and the government spending on education data for four years. This study uses probit model by employing the government education spending as the main factor. The control variables used in this study consist of parents’ education, household expenditure, male, urban, birth order, the number of siblings, missing parent, GRDP per capita, year dummy, and interaction terms among some variables. The observation is divided into two groups of age: 7-15 and 16-18. The results show that the government education spending has a positive and significant effect on school enrollment in Indonesia. In addition, the interaction terms show that the government education spending is associated with greater probability of school enrollment for poor children and for the girls


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    Writing as known as complicated language skill. It is caused by the complexity of some elements in writing that should be fulfilled to make it interesting. It is avowed that fulfilling its elements is a difficult matter for junior high school students. They faced some problems when they assigned to make a piece of writing, even in the simplest one. To solve the problem faced by the students in writing, it needs to conduct a classroom action research by utilizing picture series strategy. The the research aim to describe the utilization from picture series in writing ability at seventh-grade students. After conducting the research, it is noted that students’ writing ability was improved. The research result showed that 18.19% or 2 of 11 students reached an excellent category of writing ability. Next, 63.63% or 7 of 11 students and 18.19% or 2 of 11 students were classified respectively into the good and average category of writing abilit
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